Principal’s Message
Welcome To Khalsa School Newton
Principal’s Message

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
I am truly honoured to be the Principal at Khalsa School Newton, Khalsa School's oldest still-
running campus. It is an honour to be the principal of an institution such as ours that has
educated so many thousands of students over the past thirty years. We have done many great
things together in my years as Principal and there are many great things yet to come in the
coming years.
Relative to most other schools, our students perform excellently in their academic education but
even then, we can still do better. We must always seek to do better. I am committed to doing my
best so that we are equipping each of our students with all the necessary skills that they need to
excel in life. Whether that is in reading, writing or mathematics, we want each of our students to
excel so that they can reach their full potential. This is why I am so proud of us pursuit to
become an IB (International Baccalaureate) school because I am convinced it will allow us to
reach new heights of academic excellence. In December of 2023, our students placed first
among over 3000 schools across the world in the Codementum coding competition. This was a
proud achievement which showcased our school's determination to equip our students with the
skills that they will need to prosper in their future endeavours.
We also want our students to be socially responsible and involved in making this world a better
place by helping others and spreading kindness. The social and emotional well-being of our
students and staff is essential to our job as educators. Our school has zero tolerance for
bullying and always will. By spreading kindness, we can create a beautiful sense of community
and belonging that will make our school the greatest place to learn and grow.
Last but not least, we want to keep spreading the message of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the best
of our abilities. We do not want our kids to simply learn Kirtan; we want them to learn to love
Kirtan. We do not want our kids to simply know the names of the 10 Gurus, we want them to
feel a deep personal connection with each Guru in their heart.
With Guru Ji’s blessings, everything is possible, and we seek Guru Ji’s blessings to keep Khalsa
School and its students in Chardi Kala always.
Mrs. Gursimran Kaur
Khalsa School Newton
Contact Details
Khalsa School Newton
6933 124th Street Surrey BC V3W 3W6 Ph: 604-591-2248 Email: